Stream.Secure. Learn.
Make learning accessible & secure from any web browser.
Deliver High-Tech Education
itopia CloudApps Classroom solves the challenges schools face for delivering high-tech education without breaking the bank. With itopia CloudApps Classroom, educators can provide anytime, anywhere, any device access to software applications that students commonly use for Career Technical Education (CTE) and various certification programs. Software labs can be set up in minutes without expensive computers or IT support at a predictable cost that fits any district budget.

Don’t Upgrade! Cut Costs. Extend CTE Lab Lifespans for Less.
Reduce your need for high-end devices with low-latency streaming through browser-centric devices like Chromebooks. Don’t upgrade! Stream even the most computing-intensive apps.
- Stream apps to any device with an equal learning experience and fewer helpdesk tickets
- Stream CAD, PLTW, and Creative Cloud apps on Chromebooks with 24/7 availability
- Upgrade and expand your CTE labs at a fraction of the cost
- Maximize 1:1 device initiatives and add courses quickly and easily to district curricula
- Faculty can create new CloudApps classes in just minutes

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