Arobas Music Guitar Pro 7
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SKU: 00214948
Eligibility: Everyone Qualifies! No Academic ID Required
Guitar Pro 7 is a major upgrade of the world's most popular tablature and sheet music editor for guitarists. The enhancements will make Guitar Pro smarter and more helpful than ever. This new version is available for Windows and Mac operating systems. The enhanced editing features include the possibility of displaying all of the instrumental tracks as guitar tablature, the addition of new music-notation symbols, and improved management of file-importing and exporting. The graphical user interface and audio mastering have been re-designed for ever greater intuitiveness and ease-of-use.
Compatible with Mac and Windows.
Features include:
Editing Professional-Looking Scores
You can edit the notes directly on the standard score or on the tablature. All the usual musical symbols pertaining to the guitar and to other stringed instruments are available.
Recording Music Scores & Tabs
Guitar Pro users can play back, listen to and view any scores, to write music or learn how to play new songs.
Compatible with Mac and Windows.