BOOM Library GRIP (Download)

SKU: 1328-1010-X

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Designing vehicle sounds for motion picture? Done with the engine? Let’s tackle the other 50% – tyre, wheel and chassis interactions. Create highly dynamic and authentic skids, bumps, friction, rolling noise and much more with a high variety of wheel configurations, ground materials and perspectives. Customize and automate everything in real-time!

What is GRIP?
GRIP is a software plug-in for your favorite DAW that is used to create tyre and chassis sounds for motion picture.This in-the-box solution gets the job done fast, 100% configurable, automation ready and pretty darn fun, admittedly.

Simply take control and drive GRIP – like TURBINE, it has been designed to feel and sound like the real thing. Record your results or plot out the perfect automation to suit your motion picture!

  • Authentic Recordings: GRIP comes packed with over 650MB of high quality source recordings, prepared and ready to shape your custom, dynamic vehicle sound.
  • Dynamic Perspectives: Switch between an interior / outside view, change angle and distance on the fly.
  • Don't Edit, Be Happy: Say goodbye to meticulous sample searching, cutting, crossfading, pitch shifting and aligning – get the sound just right with a few parameter tweaks and trigger suspension impacts with the simple tap of a button.
  • On-Board Mixer: In addition to morphing the quality and character, you can mix and automate the intensity of each individual sound inside GRIP.

Features include:
  • Dynamically produce vehicle wheel and chassis sounds for motion picture
  • Choose from 5 base vehicle types
  • Automate every parameter
  • Adjustable parameters:
    • Speed
    • Grip
    • Chassis intensity
    • Perspective: Interior / Exterior
    • Perspective: Angle, Distance
    • Grip / Skid Amount
    • Skid Blending
    • Skid Pitch
    • Surface Blending
    • Detail Amount
    • Mix: Rolling, Skid, Detail, Chassis, Suspension
  • Trigger Suspension impacts with a simple tap
  • Simple but powerful in-the-box solution
  • Eliminate the need for sample cutting, crossfading, pitching and aligning

Please note: GRIP requires an audio host software. It does not work as a standalone application.